Sunday, June 29, 2008

This weekend we worked on the nursery. It looks so great with the crown molding and white baseboards - baby is going to have the nicest room in the house! :-)
Crib is still being built, but looks great so far. Still looking for a dresser and Tim & his dad say they have enough wood left over to build a changing station - awesome!
My pictures won't post - don't know why, so for now I posted in the color of the room. ocean blue.....but no, that doesn't mean anything!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Baby countdown, I guess

I went to the Dr. on Friday, June 20th (happy birthday Mom!) and got some baby pictures from the 4D thing. It's pretty neat to think that in about a month I could possibly have the baby - though I probably won't. Our 6th anniversary is coming up and we are looking forward to having a nice 4th of July vacation and anniversary. I don't know what we are doing, but something fun. Not to mention we have 2 BBQ's to go to.
I had a baby shower on the 14th which was super fishy and very nice. Got lots of clothes and towels - enough that I don't need many more clothes and towels. I need do diapers and wipes and bottles and bibs and actual baby equipment. I'm sure I'll burn through clothes, but I'm getting lots of hand me down clothes - especially if I have a girl.
Speaking of which let's post pictures here and see what you think. Girl face or boy face?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Posting again

I have fallen behind in keeping posted on certain pictures and things I want to put on here, but I've noticed you can't change the date, so here's to a holding place until I can get back and put a picture in without it being another week...or month in this case.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

May 10th....

In order to preface my weekend, I must first tell you that Friday was my day off and I had two appointments - one with my regular doctor for a check up and one that was my next scheduled ultrasound where we got to see the baby in 4D! Too cool. Felt fine - all was well and I was happy.
Then I woke up early Sat. morning not feeling so great. Shortly after that, I started to feel very sick and threw up over the next 3 hours at least 4 more times. So, by 11am I decided I would call my good friend who is a P.A. and has already been through childbirth - to ask - what is wrong with me. Because, up until this point I have had an excellent pregnancy - no sickness, not really tired, staying active, etc. etc. And suddenly this horrible, violently ill wave of really sick and puking.
So she tells me to call my on call dr. which I do and I have to get up to Mercy in the baby ward where they hand me a gown and tell me to change. I'm being admitted? - well, no bracelet, but up on a hospital bed and in a room. They proceed to give me an I.V. (my very first) and that was uncomfortable. I stayed there for about 4 hours on the baby monitor, a bag & 1/2 of IV fluid to get me re-hydrated and then they bring me some chicken noodle soup and sprite and I hold that down so I get to go home. Slept off the rest of the night and woke up Sunday feeling better...not 100%, but better. I get to work on Monday to brag about my "scary sickness & hospital visit" experience and low and behold find out that 11 other people got sick over the weekend and 3 of those went to the ER as well - so it was quickly realized that we all got food poisioning from lunch on Thursday! We had a lunch meeting Thursday at work and the food was catered in so out of 23 people - 13 were sick. I got my EOB - and I had my first hospital visit ever for the low price of $1,000 (billed to my insurance, thank goodness!). Needless to say, I won't be eating at that place for quite sometime - those of us that got sick determined that we had all had salad and salad dressing so that must have been it. Well, now that you have the yucky details - I'll try to post a happy baby picture.
